Supporting GMS e.V. and other projects

The NGO GMS is financed only by private donations. Those donations can be included in the German tax declaration. Beyond supporting the ministry of GMS, specific projects can also be supported by changing the intended purpose of the donation by adding the project name. For tax receipts please contact the GMS-Buero with your full name and address.



Our own projects:

Externe Projekte:


German Bank Accounts

Bank: Vereinigte Sparkassen Ansbach
Bank-Nr: 765 500 00,
Account-Nr: 030 241 731

IBAN: DE95765500000030241731
readable form: DE95 7655 0000 0030 2417 31


Bank: VR-Bank Mittelfranken West eG
Bank-Nr: 765 600 60,
Account-Nr: 26 25 610

IBAN: DE38765600600002625610
readable form: DE38 7656 0060 0002 6256 10